Top 10 Signs You Game WAY Too Much

10. When you sweat, your pores secrete digitized sweat. Imagine Minecraft sweat.

9. You start to learn and speak all alien and foreign languages from all the games you play without realizing it. Thanks, FEZ!!

8. When holding conversations with friends and family, you start to check your dialogue tree in your mind to come up with the best dialogue option.

7. Texting and phone calls are a thing of the past. The only verbal interaction you have with people and friends is through Xbox Live, PSN, or Ventrilo.

6. The ONLY interaction you have is through Xbox Live, PSN, or Ventrilo – and if you really want to go out of your way, Video Kinect.

5. You have devised and manufactured the couch-toilet. No more pausing for bathroom breaks.

4. You have replaced all the light bulbs in the house – but mostly the room you game in – with UV bulbs due to the fact your skin has become pale and almost translucent from lack of sun exposure. Gotta get that vitamin D, son!

3. When – and if – you leave the house, you start rolling around and hiding behind walls and cars pretending you are in a video game. Pew-Pew!! That’s the sound my hand-gun makes…pew-pew!

2. Your pants are now infused with the couch/chair for which you play games on. Ugh…

1. You have somehow managed to escape reality and are now living with in the games themselves. Similar to Emilio Esteves in 1983’s Nightmares tale, “The Bishop of Battle.” If you’ve never seen it, stop what you’re doing and go YouTube it. Phenomenal.